Pro Loco Faenza
Visit Faenza
Palazzo Milzetti - The Museum of the Neoclassical Age in Romagna
Palazzo Milzetti - The Museum of the Neoclassical Age in Romagna

Palazzo Milzetti is the richest and the most complete example of that elegant architectonical and decorative civilization that blossomed in Faenza during the neoclassical age, which made it a small capital of good taste. Count Nicola Milzetti gave the go-ahead for construction works in 1792, using the services of the architect Giuseppe Pistocchi from Faenza. His son Francesco carried on with the works assigning them to the architect Giovanni Antonio Antolini from Castel Bolognese and to the painter FeliceGiani, who performed the beautiful decorations with the help of the members of his workshop by working in the palace until 1805.

On the ground floor visitors can see the rooms in which Count Francesco Milzetti lived and the library, with its simple and functional elegance. Then we move on to the famous oval vestibule leading to the bathroom, one of the masterpieces by the famous artist Felice Giani which is inspired by the decorations of Ercolano. Finally the dining room with two long walls moved by apses and decorated with motifs such as a grape leaf and an acorn. Access to the first floor is via the large simple stairway that leads to the majestic Octagonal room, or the Temple of Apollo. There is the celebration room or the "Galleria di Achille”, a room with a lowered vault where a continuous decoration of wonderful lightness and brightness covers every surface. To the left of the Galleria di Achille is a guest room with fireplace.

After is the bedroom for the bride and groom dedicated to the story of the return of Ulysses and the happiness of Penelope: this room also has 1800’s silks on the walls with a suggestive nocturnal motif.​
