Pro Loco Faenza
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Main events
Tuesday 27 August
Martedì d'estate in Borgo
12 June - 29 August
open air summer cinema

18 June - 30 August
Cinema Divino. I grandi film si gustano in cantina.
Cinemadivino 2024 | 21^ edizione
30 August - 1 September
Argillà– Italia: “Ceramics Festival” 2024
A “long weekend" in Faenza, one of the world capitals of majolica (the name of the city itself gave rise to the word “faiences”), to discovery the world of ceramics and ceramicists, through events, exhibitions, and cultural and spectacular activities.
20 - 22 September
Il Talk del Post
19 - 23 September
Festa d'autunno
L'agnello rosola sullo spiedo, gli strozzapreti col nodo sono già in acqua bollente e l'orchestra folk fa ballare il pubblico: qual miglior modo per accogliere l'autunno?
4 - 6 October
MEI 2024 - Meeting degli indipendenti
  • centro storico Faenza
  • Infos: 0546.23452 - 349.4461825
  • Web:
17 March - 13 October
Gio Ponti, inventore del Made in Italy
18 - 20 October
Sunday 03 November
San Rocco Fair
Traditional fair which dates from the fifteenth century. with representations of civilian life and military vintage, street performers, markets, food, guided tours
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Only main (regional, national or international) events are listed, local events on italian version of this website or find further informations on:
Feste & Sagre website