Pro Loco Faenza
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Main events
Sunday 02 June
Race of the flag and oath of the Knights of the Golden Bigorda
Palio del Niballo events
31 May - 3 June
Festa dla Mugnega
  • Via Santa Lucia 142
    48018 Faenza RA
  • Infos: 335.6769569
Festa in onore della "mugnega" (albicocca) con cucina, musica e animazione per grandi e piccini.
3 - 7 June
Bigorda d’Oro week
Food and entertainment venues in the neighborhood
Palio del Niballo events
Saturday 08 June
Bigorda d'Oro
Competition among young riders held under the same rules of the Palio Niballo
Palio del Niballo events
Le Manfrediane. Incontri e scontri a Faenza
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Only main (regional, national or international) events are listed, local events on italian version of this website or find further informations on:
Feste & Sagre website